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EXPO May 14th!

Friday, October 31, 2014

And.... the Math-a-Thon!

We got to do our Math-a-Thon with our Kindergarten friends in Ms. Grams room!  :)


Ms. Samuelson's class came in a did a Reader's Theater presentation called "Hey Little Ant"

Celebrations... so far...

This morning the children got to enjoy the treat they earned by working hard on math skills the entire month of October.  The treat consisted of apple slices and carmel!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cute Quote

During snack today I heard a student say, "I'm never spending my quarters, diamonds, or pennies!"

A Grand Tradition

We had a guest reader in our room today.  One of last year's students came back as a first grader and read a Mercer Mayer book to the class.  This is a long standing tradition that former students come back and read.  I don't even have to arrange it... they come up and ask me to do it!  When they are done reading, they tell about the importance of practice with the incentive that they, too, can come back and read if they practice and get better at their reading!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today's Art Project

Your children earned an extra art project set up and prepared by our own Ms. Shar who we love, love, love!!!!!!  They did this by cleaning up quickly, being quiet in the hall, and getting compliments from other teachers about their behavior.  They earn a 'bee' each time this happens and when they fill up a 10 frame with bees, they get a reward.  Shar says she thinks this is the earliest any class has ever earned a reward.

Here are some pictures from the fun project they earned today!  Way to go, class!
Getting ready...

Roll up the rug for art!

Shar explaining about Halloween decorations...

The materials


If you are in need, distribution time/location is listed at the bottom.  Click on the picture to make it bigger!
If you can contribute, thank you for sharing your blessings with others!

Monday, October 27, 2014


I am sending homework with the children today.  Things have gotten a bit out of routine because I have been both attending trainings and have been out with an injury.  I figured earlier in the week might be better than later this week for homework.  Please read through the directions.  If you have any questions, please text me or email me!

Monday, October 20, 2014


The children (and teachers) came back refreshed from the break.  This morning during play time, the children created an airplane.  I am not sure where they were going, but it was a full flight with pets included!

I thought it was very authentic as there was very little leg room!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pizza Party!

Start your three days off from the school routine with pizza from Dominoes!  Using the form that was sent home with your child, order a pizza and let them know you are from Discovery Elementary!  The funds we raise help pay for field trips and classroom necessities.

You can even order online!!!

The class that has the most pizzas ordered wins a pizza party some time in the near future, so don't forget to tell them your child is in Ms. Tacke's class!

Enjoy your break!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Centers October 2014

Filling in Missing Numbers up to 20

Building Letter Patterns



Picture sorts by Beginning Sound

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Cupboard is Bare!

We Officially ran out of SNACK today, Monday, October 13, 2014!!

Ol' Ms. Tacke-Hubbard
went to the Cuphoard
to get her poor students a snack

But when she got there
the cupboard was bear!
Now what do you think of that!!!

If you have not sent in a box
of snack for October
Please send on in
sooner than later!
