Upcoming Events:

Link to School Calendar

EXPO May 14th!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Coming This Friday!!!!!

Announcing the
Discovery I Love to Read
Book Character Parade
Friday, February 27 at 2:30

Parents and siblings are welcome to observe as the
children parade through the halls of Discovery. The parade will begin in the Gym and wind through Commons A and then the outer hallways. 

The Discovery teachers have modeled what types of
costumes are appropriate.

Please carefully read the following guidelines:
¨    Dress up like a character from a book!
¨    Make a purposeful choice! Please bring the
book along to carry in the parade.
¨    Costumes may include additional articles of
clothing, props, or ready-made outfits.
¨    We encourage you to think of a costume that
can be easily put on over your child's clothes
(aprons, scarves, hats, headbands, belts).
¨    Thank you for leaving make-up items at home.
¨    Children should be able to bring their costume
to school independently. Please make sure it
can fit inside of a bag to carry to and from
¨    Students will be in charge of getting dressed

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Lice have been found on a student in our class again. 
For the next two weeks there will be:

~ no stuffed animals from home
~ no Sunny Bee traveling from house to house
~ our classroom animals will continue to be in a time out
~ I will be spraying the cloth furniture in my room

Please continue to check your child regularly at home.
It is GREAT that the girls with long hair have been keeping their hair braided or up in a tight way.  That is bound to make it harder for the lice to spread.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Monday, February 9, 2015


Yes, we will be spending about 10-15 mins to celebrate Valentine's Day at the end of the day on Friday.  Each child will decorate a bag here at school with their name on it to receive valentines.  If your child would like to pass out valentines, please do NOT put names on the valentines.  Each child who is bringing valentines to pass should bring 21 valentines.  They will drop one in each bag as they go. 

Thank you for NOT labeling the valentine's with names!  It is greatly appreciated!

The last 15 mins of the day we will have a chance to open any valentines that were received and pick ONE treat to eat.  The rest will come home with them at the very end of the day!